Introverts are Awesome

Yesterday I was strolling through YouTube for some acting lessons which was arguably foolish. I thought they had tutorials for this gig. Apparently my manly acts aren't manly enough, or at least, not the right kind of manly we're looking for my character.

Somehow, someway, I ended up looking at introvert-related vids. I really like them because I could comment and like and just nod very understandingly according to experience. 
Some people are introverts because they're naturally shy or nervous. 
I just hate people.

I love the one with the myths about introverts from BuzzFeed vids.
Their cartoons are so adorable! xDD

It's true. I support this.

Right now, my circle of friends are just Amelia, Irene, and Kei. My daughter are included in the family section. The rest are grouped in either the acquaintance section or someone-I-know section.

I'm not shy or timid or any of those stuff. I play (or used to play) sports and have quite a number of roles during my high school. The reason I am an introvert is because I'm quiet. Well, quiet with people I barely know.

Amelia and Irene see me smile, laugh, pissy, jokey, grumpy all the time because I'm comfortable with them. But when others see me do it, they tend to comment on it.
For example : "Wow, that's the first time I ever see you smile. And not a sarcastic one at that." or "Omg she's laughing is it gonna rain today?" or the most cliche would be "was that a joke or an insult?"
Yeah. I get those a lot.

The one comment I hate the most is the follow up. 
"You should smile more."

You ain't the boss of me I can smile wherever the hell I want whenever the hell I want. There's probably a good reason for me to not smile, like your presence.

Introverts are just a bit more personal than other people. Only those who are willing to take the time of their day to get to know us can see the real us. We may be a bit of a work to go through but we feel and see just the same as everyone else.

We just like to keep to ourselves.
That's all.


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