
Everything change.That's a fact.
One we must accept to live on.I know this,and I accept.But it doesn't mean I have to like it.A change for the better is of course likeable.

Time moves on and one by one,each of us walk forward,putting one step each minute every day.Everyone moves on.

*sigh* I suppose it was inevitable.A duckling will grow up into a duck and will swim on it's own,like a little bird having to learn how to fly on it's own and leaving it's nest to build it's own.

Having used to being relied on by peers and family,it's how I feel when one of them takes the first step of standing on their own feet.Parental much?

I ought to be happy and proud of their conscious decision to not lean on my shoulder anymore but at the same time,it made me feel kinda lonely.

One went.One absence.

Being a negative thinker that I am,I sometimes thought that maybe it's just their way of cutting me off from their lives.
I thought,after they could fly freely with their own wings,would they still look down towards where I am? Would they turn their heads down and wave? Knowing I would always watch out for them,in case of falling.

That is love,is it not?
A different kind,of course,yet still one.


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