Their Laughters

It's true.
Making the person you love laugh is the best thing in the world.
I absolutely 110% second that notion.
Laughter are medicine.They literally and emotionally make you feel better,unless you're related to the Grinch.

I for one,love to make people I love laugh.For someone like me to purposefully make fool of myself just to hear their laughter and watch them scrunch their faces cutely,forming laugh lines around their eyes speaks a lot.

One of the reasons I love my moments at SMKIP.During preps,I would tell them stories once we're done with homeworks.Stories that made them laugh so hard,Hidayah and Faqie fell out of their chairs gasping with mirth on the floor.

I smiled for days after that one.Seniors and batchmates alike stared at us but nothing mattered for us.Hearing them laugh was mesmerizing and nothing else in the world mattered.

The twins will be Qie and me of course.

Before bed,I would tell Qie a story until she nods off on my arm,her arms around my waist.We shared a bed often enough till my senior teased about me changing dorms once and for all.Wa slept under us,the bed being a double bunk.

Sometimes I would sing softly to her when I ran out of stories.Even during preps and free times,they would request a song and I obliged.Nobody heard me singing for that long except them.

Legend Of Mermaid was Qie's special lullaby.She loved that song and would repeatedly ask me to sing to her to bed.

I missed the days where the four of us could sleep in the daylight,soft breeze on our faces.Wa on my shoulder and both Hidayah and Qie on my lap.

Their sweet laughs ringing in my ears.


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