There MUST Be A Line.

I had great fun today with Dibah and a primary school classmate of mine(can't put her name since I don't know her well.).She asked me to a UTM program for SPM graduates and it sounds good and since I don't have any plans either,I agreed.

Besides,it was a nice opportunity to have a reason to go to a SMO book festival held at Dewan Jubli Perak,KB.I doubt it has the kind of vintage books Onee-san and I have been looking for but it's worth a try.

See,when we were lying on the grass at the field at the DJP,she showed me a text of her guy friend telling her a weird dream.It was a very weird dream,indeed.Personally,I think it's because he has weirder minds.Weird minds create weird dreams,no?

It's not the dream that's the problem.It's the way he talks to her.
Trash talks.

I don't like trash talks.I fuckin HATE trash talks.
They're different from swearing.I have no absolute problems about swearing because hell,I swear like a fuckin sailor on a boat.But trash talks,see,they have gender discrimination there.

I know some of the guys trash talks among themselves.I don't give a shit.
I have lots of guy friends too but the difference is,I make sure they know their place with me.
I may be their friend,but I am still a respectable lady so while we communicate freely as friends,you gotta watch your fuckin mouth with me.

Save the trash talking with your girlfriend/wife and SPARE ME THE DETAILS.

Every friendship has a line,especially with different sexes.A line that we must express largely and boldly so that it could not be mistaken and could not be crossed.Other than legal marriage.

Like a limit.Everything has it's limits.

So being friends with guys is okay,but the LINES and LIMITS must be thoroughly understood and drilled spesifically for it to be a healthy friendship.


  1. (TT~TT) Thanks my lord. *Sobbing*
    Me shud really draw a line between people since there's not limit for them.

  2. Good for u. *pats*pats*
    everybody needs a line,yeah? To protect ourselves.


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