They don't want me? Fine.Their loss.But...

I checked the UCKG for the IPG interview and guess what? I didn't get in.
Well,it's as good a reply as any.  *sigh*

Though I hoped they would look past my general result and focused on my Eng one because this country clearly needs more English teachers running around,I guess they didn't.

I admit,I'm sad and frustrated but for a while,let me bask in it just to get the point across.I'd always assumed that somehow I'd end up as a teacher just like Mom and Dad and Onee-san and most of our aunts and uncles and now,it just got shot into hell.

I know that but still....

At first I was like,'fine,they don't want me.Their loss.I could be a good teacher if I want to.I could teach a lot of kids proper English down right to British standards if I have to.I'll show them how UNQUALIFIED I am and shove it up their f*ckin asses and make them regret of ever turning me down,sons of b*tches.' but then I remembered the call from a staff of IIUM last week asking me whether I'd applied for UPU.

I thought it was a good sign.Now,it doesn't look like it was.
The call may be for confirming I had applied for other Universities if or when they reject me.Which,by the way,what was that supposed to be,sympathy?


I'm having a lot of loser feelings right now.Like,what if I don't get accepted anywhere? I'll be one of those hobos that lie at their homes doing nothing.
Gah.Nightmares. *shivers*

I'd disappointed Mom and Dad enough.Why am I keep disappointing them?
I don't like these feelings.

I wonder if anyone else is disappointed with me... (TTxTT)


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