Serious Business? I Don't Think So.

Two days ago,I went out with some friends.
As usual,topics of relationships arises during lunch.My replies were off-handed as usual.Kyo believes that there are people waiting for me which I scoffed sarcastically because,yeah right. *snort*

I'm likely to believe pigs could fly rather than that.

Then his friend started to ask things like how long mine lasted and such.I have no qualms remembering the details of my previous relationship with Akira because I've made peace with our fall out.It was nothing much anyway.

Jocks are good boyfriends but they're not really 'friend' material.You can't be their lover and friends at the same time.It's frustrating,really.

In school,there were always many types of clique.All classmates are friends and acquainted with each other but they all have their own clique and most of the time without me realizing,I was dragged into the possibly popular ones.

I suppose they were popular because the teachers adore them and students look up to them,juniors and seniors alike.Much less their own batchmates,I guess.
I socialized minimally,enough to blend in so that people would leave me alone when I asked.

When asked of types,I preferred nerd boyfriends.Based on the grounds of similar interests,I could at least enjoy less dramatic relationships.
Sometimes I wonder if jocks preferred nerds in the possibly popular clique because they're curious or because of the plain reason that she/he was in the group itself.

All in all,I was tired of being harassed by complete boring jocks.Sure I had a mostly stable relationship with one for a year and a half but all the dramas were exhausting.
They're really possessive too,these boys.
It felt really nice but sometimes they took it way too seriously.

I don't have anything with relationships,mostly,but I don't want it getting serious.Because I'm a really serious person,I hate it when they say they want serious but never actually doing the job properly.

They don't really mean anything.


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