I Can't Believe I'm Taking Points From TW. *facepalm*

At this wee hours of morning,I'm pretty sure my brain have stopped functioning therefore leaving my mouth to ramble all I want.Much like Stiles,really.

Except that I'm not half deep in shit to save some huge ungrateful werewolf asses.I literally have hard time believing Google actually holds all the answers to mankind which by the way,way too exaggerating because really.
Google? No offense,they're awesome as fuck and all but not to that point.

I'm in the middle of watching Hannibal season 2 and just closed my last fill of Sterek pack bonding family fluffy fics.Tell me those two combinations are weird beyond belief. *roll eyes*

I thought about the whole snapping and depression and humiliation thing before with Mom and Dad and Onee-san.The thing about my result.
I suppose it's a bit immature of me to act so dramatic over the whole thing.My insecurities are my own case.I wasn't supposed to blame them for it.

More often than not,I tend to feel inadequate in my place in this family.
But still,at the end of the day,we'll fall back just the same.Because we're a family.And family sticks together.

And I'm gonna quote Stitch over this because my addled why-hanny-why-did-you-do-this-why-dammit-why brain is too damaged to come up with something else.

"Ohana means family.Family means,nobody gets left behind."


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